Credit Secrets Book Review: How to do Self Credit Repair

5 min read

The book, Credit Secrets by Scott and Alison Hilton was featured on Larry King boasting an average credit score increase of 100 points in less than 6 months. Its 9 chapters teach readers how to dispute errors on credit bureau reports, even from a debt collection agency, without the need to use an expensive credit repair company.


The Credit Secrets program along with its accompanying book is meant to answer a simple question. Can you erase bad credit history and avoid financial disaster doing for free what credit repair services charge a lot of money for?

The book’s premise is based on personal credit reports of real people being filled with erroneous information that is causing their credit scores to crater. By leveraging some credit bureau dispute letter-writing techniques, you may be able to have these stipulations removed from your reports, which in turn will increase your credit scores.


Scott and Alison Hilton wrote the Credit Secrets guide to great credit. Inside their new tell-all book are nine chapters of advanced credit hacks, frequently asked questions, a few simple strategies, and a glossary of credit-related terms.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Getting incomplete, inaccurate, unfair, and unverifiable items removed.
  3. Advanced tactics
  4. Lawsuits
  5. ChexSystem Removals
  6. Student Loans, Repossession, and HIPAA
  7. Advanced Credit Techniques
  8. Frequently Asked Questions
  9. Statute of Limitations Chart


While it won’t magically improve your credit instantly, it will help plan your journey to finally taking control of your credit bureau profiles. As move through the chapters in this step-by-step guide, the main secrets you will learn are the ones that lead you down the paths of least resistance.

The tutorials within the Credit Secret book are very detailed. Many chapters include legal loopholes and comprehensive credit dispute letter templates to remove negative items from your reports. Here’s our quick synopsis of the secrets you will when reading this book.

  • Fastest and easiest methods to rebuild bad credit
  • Timeline required to rebuild your credit history
  • Consumer protection laws you need to know
  • How to properly file a credit dispute and items you can dispute
  • How to remove judgments and liens from your credit report
  • Best ways to deal with loan defaults and vehicle repossession
  • How to remove a ChexSystems security freeze
  • How to recover from bankruptcy or foreclosure

Dispute Letters

The meat and potatoes of the Credit Secrets book are the sample letters that you can send to creditors and major credit bureaus. These prewritten templates can help you have derogatory entries removed from your credit report, which can help improve your credit scores in a short time.

  • Late payments and delinquencies
  • Collections, charge-offs, and tax liens
  • Repossessions, foreclosures, and bankruptcies
  • Student Loans and small claims court
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)


Unfortunately, the Credit Secret book by Scott & Alison Hilton is pretty hard to find on Amazon these days, but you can still read Credit Secrets reviews there.

To get a hard copy at a decent price you might have to buy it from the Credit Secret website, where it originally starts out with a $47 membership cost. If you simply wait a bit for the FREESHIP coupon code popup to appear on the checkout page, you get this discounted down to $40.

If you then abandon this cart by closing your browser window and then go back to you, see a 25% offer at $37. Then wait for the FREESHIP popup, and the price will drop to $30.

If you abandon the cart a second time and visit the site again or just keep waiting, you are likely to see a 50% off discount with a very reasonable price of just $20.

Member Bonuses

As a Credit Secrets member, they’ll mail you a copy of the book, plus you’ll get access to some other Smart Money Secret products.

  • Credit Secrets Facebook group
  • Credit Secrets Guide to Building Business Credit
  • Credit Secrets Quickstart Guide
  • Secret Money Method

Money-Back Guarantee

The Credit Secrets refund policy states that they have a no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee, as long as you return the book within 30 days. If you decide to take them up on their 90-day, double-your-money-back guarantee, you will need to meet these criteria.

Credit Secret Money Back Guarantee
Credit Secrets
Money Back Guarantee
  • Have proof of purchase less than 90 days prior
  • Have completed jumpstart training in the member’s area
  • Prove you sent three letters to a creditor, credit bureaus, or a collection agency asking them to remove some erroneous data on your report.

Hidden Fees

Credit Secrets Hidden Membership Fees
Credit Secrets
Hidden Membership Fees

Having you purchase the book through website membership is basically Scott and Alison’s subtle way of making opening your wallet further. Because, they sent you a hard copy rather than an e-book, if you want a refund, you’ll have to pay the shipping and handling fees to return it.

If you don’t uncheck the box just above the Place by Order button, you’ll be auto-enrolling yourself into paying a monthly membership fee to access the Smart Money Club private Facebook group.

Sure you get two weeks free along with access to the Credit Secrets audiobook, but after that, you’ll be billed $20 a month until you cancel. Considering how many times they dropped the book price during checkout, it’s highly doubtful that their marketing tactics don’t apply to the Facebook Group too.

Free Alternatives

If you’d rather not pay the $20-$47, you can read Credit Secrets by Scott Moss for free with an Amazon Kindle Unlimited membership. This is a 2-for-1 combo pack that includes two of his books: Credit Score Secrets and 609 Letter Templates & Credit Repair Secrets.

Furthermore, you can get Credit Secrets by Neil Hack, and Credit Secrets by Dave Robert Warren Graham, which are also available for free on Kindle Unlimited.

Unfortunately, these won’t help you build business credit, but of course, you can already learn that for free on!